Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Soccer Team In Saudi Arabia

The name my soccer team in Saudi Arabia is Al_Nassr. This is from the best teams in Saudi Arabia and very famous and the most popular. My love to my team is in my hart and my blood. But, now there is many problems in my team some times about the players and sometimes about the money but, the real problem in the owners of this team.

When my team start getting worse?
In Saudi Arabia we had a good player his name is Majed Abdullah. he is from the best 60 players in the history of soccer and his score is 587 goals and he did not play for five years because the braces. Also he is the best player in the world in head goal also he had many skills. The last games he played it in Asia cup 1999 and we won. After he quit when a good new player come to play in my team everyone say he will be the next Majed and he will start getting down. I think this is the main problem with the owners problem for the players.


Kristi said...

I wonder if he'll ever play again for your team? Do you think he could be a coach or something else? It seems a shame to waste that talent...

fahad said...

Now some sport chanels use him to talk about the matches and what he think about it and what he think will happen next.