Tuesday, April 1, 2008

In The End Of This Semester

The best thing in the end of the semester is I know many new good people from the teachers till the students. But, the worst thing usually in the end of the semester the most of the student they leave the program and also some teachers that is mean in the next semester I’ll need to know I new friends. It is good to meet new people but, it is hard because my friends from this semester.
Also I need to fix many things in my life here because my life in this semester it was not that good. First, I need to do an operation in my nose. Second, I will change my home stay because it is too far for me and I will move with some friends and we will rent a house because it will be cheaper. Third, I need to work because I want to be busy and to have experience and money.
My friends we should keep in touch maybe we visit each others in our countries.


David said...

Hey Mr. i really happy to met you.
i dont like the end of the semestre because i'm going to leave to my couuntry.
so i will see you again.


fahad said...

I hope to meet you again too my friend.
good luck.